It felt so wrong It felt so right Don't mean I'm in love
Saturday, May 09, 2009, 12:14 AM

Goodbye to this beloved blog which i've been updating for 2 years.I've moved to something better :D Shan't tell you guys here!It's the 447th post!GOSH!

Ask me for the web address itself,SHOO KAYPOS!


Thursday, May 07, 2009, 10:23 PM

I don't know how you're feeling.And i really do hope you get hold of yourself,and for once think.

Think:What's in life you have accomplished?What more do you want to accomplish?What do you live for? etc,there are many questions to you,and only YOU who knows the answers more than I do.

That's all i can guide you to do :D MAy god bless.Amen.


I miss these dudes!I miss my northlight kids!NExt Week~


Wednesday, May 06, 2009, 11:02 PM

I'm much pretty excited about my coming holidays schedule!

On the 8th June i'll be helping for the Orientation thing,i guess?
15th-19th June SNCO Course
21 june Singapore International Water Festival

As for ATC,I need to depend on which day northlight is going.Maybe helping for others if i'm free too?

Ok,i've been coping my modules fairly well,well that seems like i need to study more throughly!Oh,and i decided to join the Student Union,now just waiting for tomorrow's interview.Hope it won't be that long :S.Ok,serveral projects coming along!MAke my head big ah! 2 for environmenal and safety mgmt,1 for shipping practic,1 for ideas.

AHHH!I want to watch Angels and Demons!GOsh~!Oh yeah,and i suddenly got the urge to excercise,anyone up for it?Including going to gyms for workout etc?Need to rest early ah,else i'll be coughing and sick once again.Byes~~

Countdown 19 more days!

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